Religion, Religion & Science
Revealing God’s Truth
The Universe Is Old, Evolution Is Real, Life and Death Predates Adam, Flood Yes, but Not Global, Reexamining Genesis and Other Christian Topics by Paul Welechenko
Christians should never feel like they have to deny science to keep their faith. We can place our faith in Christ and scripture and at the same time embrace science. We need not be discouraged by scientific discoveries, but rather be encouraged...
Faith in Doubt
How My Dog Made Me an Atheist and Atheism Made Me a Priest An Experiment in Faith by Harold Munn
What happens when an atheist and a believer find themselves next door neighbours? What happens when religion finds itself in a culture of science and secularism? Could they hold hands? Could they fall in love? Faith in Doubt claims that churches...
Dimensional Boundaries
A Novel About the Impossible by Doug Gill
When Jack Bennett takes over a first-year physics course from a colleague, little does he realize that life as he knows it is about to change … dramatically. During his first lecture, he’s captivated by a beautiful woman sitting in the front row....
The Immigrant Soul - The Universal God Theory
by Nando Speranza
At the age of five, Nando Speranza had his first out-of-body experience. Alone and afraid, a voice comforted him. This was only the beginning of these occurrences that ignited the author’s desire for connection through relationships, music, and a...
Living Earth
a spiritual reflection on environment by Bernard Anton
What are the conceptions of the past civilizations and traditions from five continents on our relationships with nature? Do they cast a spiritual glance on those relationships? Could their ancestral wisdom have seen a sacred work in the universe?...
A New Hope for Humanity by Yoda Oraiah
Standing on the riches of humanity’s holy books and traditions, drawing on our wealth of scientific and technological knowledge, and injecting his own creativity and humour, Yoda Oraiah presents his readers with a potential new religion—Cosmism....
Our World-God's Visible Language
Visible Creation as Testimony to an Invisible Creator by Jerry Salloum
“How could you ever have thought [our world] was the ultimate reality? How could you ever have thought that it was merely a stage set for the moral drama of men and women?” For the many who share these thoughts from C.S. Lewis, our world is far...
The Armored Mind
Breaking Strongholds over the Mind by Apostle Dr. Sandra Mitchell
Clear communication is seen as a vital role for the body’s equilibrium. In the same manner, it becomes necessary for the mind to receive wisdom or counsel from its life-giving source (God), to exercise good judgment to make informed decisions....
Science and the Genesis Account of Creation
From the Big Bang to the End Times by Chuck Jersch
I read statistics that over 80% of Christians lose their faith while attending public school and University. Children brought up in a Christian home are 45% less likely to turn to crime, than those in non-Christian homes. It really made me...
First Person Singular
An Alternative to God by Yvon Cormier
There is no soul that lives on past the death of the body, no reincarnation, no life after death. Most religions today are outdated, and their teachings can no longer be logically sustained. Fear of death and what is to become of us after we die...